God has given us two gift; One is Choice and One is Chance.

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Something Happens

Something Happens Today On 01 October 2010.
Something that makes me scared, jealous, and at the same time, conscious.

Today, i found a girl who same age with me, with myriad of extraordinary achievement. And i felt jealous of her. She has done so many incredible things. She had felt so much experiences. I am sure, she's very proud of what she accomplished.

Same like her, I also have dreams and expectations for this life. I know life is not about finding ourselves, Life is about creating ourselves.

I have to create myself and life that i dreamed of.
God gives me dreams a size to big so that I can grow with them.

She said like this :
"I remember, I said to myself that I had to have my own car at the age of 20. I then told one of my teacher one time, but he said that I was too dreamy. A bit surprised, after all, I never told anyone else. Time passed by, I told myself that this really would never happen. I thought that 20 is too early to have my own car, knowing that I would be still a student at that time, would need a lot of money to buy one.. But then my heart and mind just worked automatically.. Believe or not, now I am exactly 20 years and 7 months, and I got my own car, by winning a great competition :) Now it's my job to make it useful to many, being a great tourism ambassador of Jakarta.."

Words in bold above are the words that successfully touched my heart. The word rang a bell in my mind. Make me aware of something that I experienced.

Today i finally did it. Doing something simple that I have planned before. Afterward, it was all fine. I am closer with my dream comes true. :)

I realized, I don't have the reason why I could not realize my dream. I want my mind and heart work automatically too. I know the power of imagination.

Dreams containing the magic in it! i trust this.
I am alive now. What happens tomorrow, who knows?!
For my beloved God and family, my dream, my life, I say "I WILL"

From Dream For Dream

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