God has given us two gift; One is Choice and One is Chance.

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

It all starts with a dream....

"Do you really believe that your dreams will come true?
It takes real "guts" to be able to follow your dream and to make it happen. 

It all starts with a dream....

What is "guts"? Well to me, it's the right mindset, believing and knowing that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Sure, you'll always have those doubting moments but deep in your heart and mind, you just *know* that you'll make it happen - no matter what it takes.

You may be thinking that you don't have what it takes? Well let me tell you, you DO! I don't care who you are or what your circumstances are, it's in you. All you have to do is find the way to bring it out...

I didn't always have it. It took a major life-changing event for me to find it.

Since then, I have learned that there are much easier ways. And the absolute *easiest* is through changing your subconscious beliefs."

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