God has given us two gift; One is Choice and One is Chance.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Some of The Best Moments In Life

There are some of The Best Moments in Life :
  • To have God and The Power of Pray
  • To Born to this World with perfect figure
  • To Fall in Love
  • To have a Lovely & great Family, specially my Lovely Grandma, Mom and Aunt.
  • To find The Right Someone
  • To see & find Miracle in this life
  • To Live in The Truthful
  • To have a talent, dream, hope and kind heart
  • To have your own principles
  • To Find Inspirations & Motivations
  • To Meet & Read "Chicken Soup for The Soul" and find more hope, courage, dream, the meaning of life and miracle with them
  • To do & get the best for everything that i do for my life and my future
  • To Share joy, smile and tears with someone
  • To hope for Sunshine Boy & Sunshine Girl
  • To believe My own desire & dream
  • To have a nice attitude
  • To have a charming face &smile (Lol..) ^^
  • To live inside of love and know feeling of fall in love
  • To Share Stories with friends
  • To Laugh until it hurts my stomach
  • To find mails by the thousands when I return from a vacation
  • To Go for a vacation at some pretty place
  • To Listen to my favorite song in the radio
  • To go to bed and listen to the rain outside
  • To leave the shower and find that the towel is warm
  • To Clear my last exam
  • To receive a call from someone, I don't see a lot, but I want to
  • A good conversation with a sweet person
  • To Find money in a pant that i haven't used since last year
  • To Laugh at myself looking at mirror, making face :)
  • Calls at midnight that last for hours :)
  • To Laugh without a reason
  • To accidentally hear somebody say something good about me
  • To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep for a couple of hours
  • To hear a song that makes me remember a special person
  • To be a part of a team
  • To watch The Sunset from the Hill top
  • To see & feel the Sunrise
  • To Learning How to Dance in The Rain
  • To find Rainbow after Rain
  • To W.r.i.t.i.n.g
  • To feeling Grateful
  • To know & sure that I am a live Now.

With Love,


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