God has given us two gift; One is Choice and One is Chance.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

From Heart For Heart

Thank you so much God..

For every great things which You send and give to me, to my life ;
For every blessing, Miracle, happiness, courage, love, talent, emotional, spiritual, life, lovely family, imagination, hope, dream and attitude that you give for me.
Thanks a lot God..
For lovely family, truly friends, friends, and every people who come to my life.
Everyone is Amazing, Wonderful.
I will appreciate all of them.
Thanks for always love and take care of me and all of my lovely family.
Thanks for give me the principle in life, give me a love of writing, give me understanding, give me ability to control my self - my life, show me and make me knows how to appreciate my self and all of people around me.

Thanks God...
For let me know what i can do, bring, and share for this world, for myself, for my lovely family.
I promise i will take out the best in me and give it for this world..for everything and every people in this world.
I will love and appreciate them like YOUR LOVE AND APPRECIATE FOR ME. ^^
I wish to know and meet all of them in the next life.. ^^

Thanks God...
For send wonderful sunshine and sunshine b.o.y. to my life
For Happiness in the Sadness.
For hope when i was give up.
For Miracle in the impossible.
For Every Dream comes True.
For learn right in the wrong.
For smile in the tears.

Thanks for Everything God.

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