Well, i am truly falling in love so much with w.r.i.t.i.n.g !! I don't know how to say, how to describe it, but i can sure that all i see, hear, say, feel, think; all of them tell me about w.r.i.t.i.n.g. I want to be a Famous - an Inspirational Writer.
And Guess what?! I am studying about Accounting in my Formal Education. It's not about Journalism. I choose it because it's the good choice compared to other options when the options don't have about Journalism. Although it's not my truly wish to do, of course I keep my responsibility for it. I want to do it well and make my lovely Mom proud with me. I want to show her that I am truly appreciate for all of the great things which she gave me.
I will keep responsibility and do my best for this Formal Education although i know this is not my real desire. W.r.i.t.i.n.g is more than a Formal Education for me. It's include my Self Education. It's my Dream. It's my Desire. I love it, want to do it, want to live inside it because my heart, my mind and all of the voice inside of me tell me "This is your Fate" I want to bring out the best in me for all of people around me and for this world. I want to create my wonderful and simple history for This Universe as Mery Violetta.
I close my eyes and think, how different my past's view and my present's view. MV at the past think that Formal Education is "Everything". It's my future. But now, so different. I know that Formal Education is Important. But Formal education is not "Everything" anymore. It just means "Something" for me.I don't know how this thought could come into my life, but i am truly grateful that it could come. From that thought, I can realize that my life, myself, my wonderful future, my desire, my success are more than a Formal Education.
"Formal Education can make me and us a living, but Self Education can make me and us a Fortune."
I promise myself to do my Formal Education as well as i can. But the priority, of course it's my Self Education.
Formal Education make me become qualified and intelligent men, and other side, Self Education teach me how to get my great personality and to be a wise men.
If somebody ask me which one i will choose?
So, i will say that I choose both. It's all about "choice". Your life is your choice, right?!! Why i should choose one of them, if i can get and do both? If somebody choose one of them, this is them, their choice. Not Me!!
I know i can't control everything that happens in my life. But i know and sure, i can control "My Attitude" to face all of these things.
So, your life is your choice. Just choose "To Be" or "Not To Be"
My life is my choice. I choose "To Be"
How about you?!!
Love Me,
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