God has given us two gift; One is Choice and One is Chance.

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

It's All About L.I.F.E.

What is L.I.F.E. ?
What do you think about life?

What is the meaning of life for you?

What is the purpose of life?

Did you find the answer?

Are you trying to find yourself? Are you trying to find your own identity?

Do you decide who you want to be and after that you're creating yourself?

You do not find who you are in life. You create yourself, as you create the life you want.
One of the things that always adorn life is the existence of problems in life. We can not always wait for the problem go away by itself. We must learn to cope. We must learn how to face it and solve it. That way we will become stronger. We would much appreciate the meaning of life. So don't waiting for the storm to pass, but learning how to dance even in the rain.
Dance beautifully!

Some people wait for opportunity to come to them. Some people are trying to find those opportunities. And Some are trying to create opportunities for themselves. Which one do you wanna be?
You can choose waiting for chance, Trying to find chance, or do your best to create the chance for you...

Many people say "Live life for what it is." The question is, did you want an ordinary life? Don't you want to have amazing things to your life? You need to know, Simple things can become Extraordinary. We do not always need a great thing to be extraordinary. Simple is Great!
Live this life with the way you're imagine of. Be the person who you want to be.
Create your name for this life. Don't be afraid to make a decisions or make a mistakes.
Everyone ever do it. Try, Try and always Try.

Yesterday is a History. Tomorrow is a Mystery. How about Today? Today is a Gift. That's why we called it "Present", Right?!! You can not change your past. You can not decide your future, your tomorrow. But you can decide your A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E. for Present, Today, Now. Forgive all the things that happened in your past. Make a better Past with Present. Make a better Future with Present.

So, you want to "change your life" now, right? Of course, you want. And YOU CAN DO IT.

Day after day, what do you think about the day in this life? The day in your life? Do you past it with the right choice or bad choice, with the grateful feeling or not, with positive emotions or negative emotions? That's all about YOUR CHOICE.

The Best things in my life are my God, my lovely family, and my dream. They gave me so many great things. So many wonderful emotions. So many grateful feelings. They are my priority in my life. I choose to be wise human for God, for my religion. I choose to be good daughter, good sister for my lovely Mom, Grandma, Aunt. I choose to be good human for all of people in this life, in my life.

We can not do everything. But we can do something.
So do not refuse to do something that you can do.

L is for "Life"
I is for "Inner-strength"
F is for "Future, Famous, Fun Fearless Female"
E is for "Extraordinary" Life

We are born to Live.
We are not Living to be born.
So bring out the best in ourselves, give the best from us to this life, this world, for all of people around us, and specially for ourselves.

Past ... I want to forgive everything that is not good that's ever happened in my past. I want to forgive any unfavorable action I have ever done. I want to forgive all the negative emotions I have ever done in the past. I want to forgive everything.
Present ... I want to live today with the best way I can do. I want to appreciate today. I want more respect, more enjoy my days and life. I would not worry about things that do not necessarily occur. I will enjoy, more and more. I will live well.
Future ... I'm dreaming of a bright future filled with dreams come true.

Life is limited.
We will not live forever.
Death and life side by side.
We do not know when our live will ends in this world, we can do is live life well.

Life is Pleasant. So enjoy and appreciate it.
Death is Peaceful. Don't afraid of it.
We do not have wings like birds.
But we can fly like them.
Our wings are not visible, but surely we can feel it.
So stretch out your hand Now and Fly..

All of us seek happiness in this life.
You must know and realize, Happiness and Success is our Right.
Don't be afraid to show all of your feelings and your thought.

If you can dream it, see it in your mind, of course YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Live the Life as your want, as your ever imagine of.
Your Life is Your Choice.

I have to believe in myself.
I have to believe the power of mind.
I have to keep my faith in Hope, Dream, Love, Life, Courage, Lucky, Blessing and Miracle.

All the great or big things start from small / simple things.
So, appreciate the simple things that you can do.

We have to go through the rain first before see and feel the Rainbow.

Be alive. Now.
Truly Live.

Open your eyes and see what's Life.
Don't just use eyes for see it, also use your heart to feel it,
use your mind to think about it, use your ears to hear it,
use your lip to kiss it, use your hand to touch it,
use your everything for L.I.F.E.

Only use your positive thought, your positive emotions, your positive feelings,
your positive mind, your positive self for Life.

There are always some obstacles in life.
But I believe, strong person always can walk over it.
Experience is a great teacher.
Someone will be truly learning by experience.

You are more than just a singer in your life.
You are a song writer and creator of your life.

This is not about words that are illustrated below.
You have to find "The Key Words" inside this.
"Walk in a Life that fill with Truth. Listen to your Heart. Believe in Yourself.
Realize The Power of Mind in your Head. You'll find creative Ideas inside them.
Find your True Friend. Keep your Faith in the Truth, in the Kindness.
Believe in The Power of Nature and Live inside it.
You're Beautiful, Charming, Unique and Special in your own way.
Learn from Yesterday, from Mistake you ever done.
Life is like a Circle. Fill your circle with Love, Grateful, Joy, Smile, Blessing, Chance and Miracle.
This is a Beginning. Is not the end.
Start it with Today. Cause Present is God's Gift to You."

This is all about C.H.O.I.C.E.
Begin your Choice Now!!
Choose and Do the Best for your Life.

You can not control what will happen in your life.
But you can control your ATTITUDE to face the situation.

The past does not define yourself.
The Present defines who you are.
The Present defines your Future.

"I'll listen to my heart really.
I will be enjoying this life more and more .. a little worried.
I would not worry about what others think.
I'll play more, complain less.
I would know that beauty and good looks are reflected in the love of my life.
I'll know how much my parents loved me and I will believe that they love me best.
I will not be afraid to act like a child.
I'll be more daring.
I'll find good quality in every person and enjoy friendship with them.
I would be a good friend.
I'll be more appreciative and grateful .. "

- Whatever you do, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it. -

And finally,
You'll find that Life is Beautiful.
Life is Blessing.
Life is Miracle.
You & Me have so many great things in this life.

From L.I.F.E. For L.I.F.E.

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